Brandon Bowers
Full-Stack Web Developer
Tell Me More


These are all in my toolbelt.

Full-Stack Web Developer

HTML5, CSS3 | SASS, JavaScript | jQuery, Ruby | Ruby on Rails, Git, GitHub, Ember.js, Node.js, Express.js, MySQL, MongoDB, Mongoose, Twitter Bootstrap, Handlebars.

Responsive Design

I specialize in mobile first design without using frameworks of any kind. I believe designing my web applications mobile first whenever I start developing a project. The reason being is because everybody uses a 5 inch screen these days to look at the internet.


I develop using the latest macOS Sierra on all my websites and web applications. I'm well versed with Apple's products and have been using them for many years now.


Here are some of my most notable projects I have built over time.


Full-Stack Web Application


Full-Stack Web Application


Full-Stack Web Application


Front-End Web Application


Front-End Web Application


Front-End Web Application


My story and how I got here.

  • 2013 - 2014

    It All Started With Ruby

    A good friend of mine started learning how to develop and got me into it, I started learning Ruby and used Codecademy's free courses to help me learn how to develop in Ruby.

  • July 2014

    A Developer Is Being Born

    I continued to learn how to develop, teaching myself with the guidance of my friend who develops and picked up a Freelance project from a friend. I started to take things seriously and began learning HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. I collaborated on this project with a friend of mine and developed a static Front-End website.

  • July 2014 - October 2016

    Ready For The Next Step

    By now I have developed numerous web applications and have self taught myself how to web develop with much guidance. Up until this point I have used every major resource online to learn web devlopment. Resources used entail Codecademy, FreeCodeCamp, and a bunch of online documentation.

  • October 2016

    The Big Move

    I left Anchorage, Alaska to pursue my dream of being a web developer, I got accepted into General Assembly's Web Development Immersive course. I completed the program and have been certified as a Junior Web Developer, I have a Full-Stack background and am now capable of learning any language a company may use. I have all the skills neccesary to be hired as a developer now.

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    Of My

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